The Mind's Ear and Inner Voice 2025 Abstract Submission

Instructions for submitting an abstract

The aim of The Mind’s Ear and the Inner Voice 2025 is to forge new insights and improved understanding of these constructs and their role in thinking, memory and creativity. We invite submissions to The Mind’s Ear and Inner Voice 2025 from scientists, philosophers, scholars in the humanities and from artists, especially musicians, poets and writers, who share a fascination with the question of how we experience the sounds in our head.

In keeping with our transdisciplinary aim, conference submissions from a wide range of perspectives will be welcome. We encourage submissions that consider the mind’s ear and inner voice in a variety of contexts, including discussion of:

  • Novel observations and findings
  • The role of the mind’s ear and inner voice in creative work
  • Theoretical and philosophical issues
  • Variation between individuals, groups and cultures
  • Relationships with wellbeing, neurodiversity and clinical conditions
  • Phenomenology and relations of the mind’s ear and inner voice with other dimensions of imagery, imagination and experience

Submissions for oral or poster presentations are welcome.  

Abstracts should be 200-250 words long and submitted, together with information about contributing authors and affiliations on the conference submission form. The form can be accessed via the link on this page. All submissions will be reviewed by the Organising Committee. Please submit your abstract before 10 January 2025. A draft programme will be announced on 10 February 2025.

The format for spoken talks will be 10 minutes for the presentation plus five minutes for discussion.

Poster presentations may be in landscape or portrait format. Poster size should be A0(841mm x 1189mm).